Women's Cell

The Women’s Cell of Our Lady of Victories is a vibrant and empowering community initiated by Fr. Rocky Banz in April 2023. The cell comprises of a dedicated group of women who come together to support, encourage, and empower one another.

The purpose of the Women’s Cell is to create a safe and nurturing space where women of all ages and backgrounds can grow spiritually, develop personally, and make a positive impact within the Church and the wider community. We believe that by coming together as women, we can inspire and uplift each other, fostering a deeper connection with God and a greater sense of purpose in our lives.

Get Involved!
Whether you are new to the parish or have been a part of your community for years, seeking spiritual growth, personal development or a supportive community of like-minded women, join us in the Women’s Cell of Our Lady of Victories Church where you can find support, encouragement, and inspiration. Together, let us embrace our unique callings, support one another, and make a lasting difference in our church and beyond.

Who can join?
Women parishioners aged 18 and above are welcome!
Spiritual Director: Fr. Anthony Dsouza
Coordinator: Rochelle Albuquerque
Co-coordinator: Nilafer Alvarez

Meetings: Second Saturday of every month

Email: olvc.womenscomm@gmail.com
Joining Link: https://forms.gle/w3KnWP9afTsxuxUa7