Senior Citizens

The form of elder care provided varies greatly and is changing rapidly.  Even within the same area, regional differences exist with respect to the care of the elderly.  Traditionally, elder care has been the responsibility of family members and was provided within the extended family home.  Increasingly, in modern societies, elder is care is now being provided by institutions.  The reason for this change included decreasing family size, greater life expectancy of elderly people and the geographical dispersion of families.  Given the choice, most elders would prefer to continue to live in their own homes.  Quite a few require additional assistance.  One relatively new service that can help the elderly in their home environment is ‘respite care’ a task so beautifully undertaken by our Parish Senior Citizens Committee.  The type of care, allows caregivers the opportunity to know that the elders are a fun-loving group, excited about parties, picnics and get-togethers, meeting up for house every week and of course, the many outdoor trips planned for them.  Quality care provided to quality people.

Spiritual Director   :   Fr…..

Lay Coordinator     :     …

Meetings                :