Other Parish Directives


Mass Offerings:
According to the norms of the church any priest who celebrates a mass may accept an
offering to apply the mass for a specific intention. The general rule to be followed is “One mass only one mass offering (stipend)”. Thus in normal circumstances, a priest may only accept one stipend for any one Mass even though he may offer up the mass for several intentions. But since the request for Mass intentions have increased as a result of growing numbers, it is difficult to apply Mass intentions of many people during scheduled parish masses, since the number of masses said in the parish is less.

In the Archdiocese of Bombay there are two types of masses with several intentions:
A . Box Intention: is one where a box is kept and any individual can put his/her stipend, however big or small for the mass to be offered. However, only one single mass will be offered for all the intentions and for the amount of money that is put in the box.
B. Pluri – Intention Mass: Is one that is offered for the specific intentions of several
individuals with each one giving a definite amount of money (equal to the diocesan stipend) and only one mass will be celebrated for all the intentions of all who have
given a definitive amount of money as stipend. The archbishop has given permission to celebrate only two masses in a week in any combination i.e. pluri-intention masses or two box intention masses or one pluri intention and one Box intention masses.
To make any changes in the Registers permission from the Chancellor has to be obtained for every change based on documents (Municipal Birth Certificate for name of the child, Parents Marriage certificate for name of Parents, Gazette Publication for name of the child). The Parish Priest gives a letter to the Chancellor asking permission for changes. To make changes in the Baptism or Marriage Certificate of Parents who have expired, the consent of all the siblings who are alive (death certificate copy in case of deceased children to be submitted) is absolutely necessary.

(Baptism, Marriage, Burial) Monday to Saturday:  During Office hour Certificates = Rs. 20/- each. To collect certificates of others, their written consent is absolutely necessary. To avoid any inconvenience and delay the party intending to obtain the certificate can ask for the information on the Parish contact through WhatsApp before coming to the office. +91 91370 22659 (preferably WhatsApp your request)

Email: ourladyofvictoriesmahim@gmail.com