History Of The Church.


The origin of the Church of Our Lady of Victories lies in one of the darkest and most turbulent periods of Diocesan history. It was founded by Bishop Anastasius Hartman o.f.m. cap. During the controversy between the Padroado and Propaganda parties. This chapter closed with the end of double jurisdiction in 1028. The foundation stone of the Church was laid by Bishop Hartman on 10th December 1854 and was completed on 9th December 1955.

Up to 1030, the parish comprised of Mahim, Dharavi and Sion down to Matunga and had a Catholic population of nearly 12400. A re-adjustment of territorial limits was carried out by Archbishop Lima in 1931, and the same boundaries continue till today, with the parish covering the area of Mahim, Matunga and some parts of Dadar.

A small parochial school was attached to the Church right since the foundation, but the first phase of the school building was completed in 1922 and had 180 boys and girls on the roll.

The Parish has seen many eminent pastors, who have ably administered to the needs of the flock entrusted to their care. Already at the time of the centenary celebrations, a fund-raising drive was launched by Msgr Ligoury D’Souza to build a new church which would be adequate to hold services of 7000 parishioners. On 15th January 1956, the Church celebrated 100 glorious years of its existence, with several parish organizations providing effective leadership in parish affairs. In the same year, the Victoria High School for boys was started.

In 1966, Fr. Henry Lobo was put in charge of the new Church and school project and work was in progress when Msgr William Nazareth took over as parish Priest from 1966 to 1974. The whole project was completed and was blessed by His Eminence Valerian Cardinal Gracias on 14th April 1968. An additional floor was also added to the school.

The Parish boasts today of 4500 parishioners and the school has a little over 2000 students on its rolls. Being in the heart of the city, the parish has a major role to play of witnessing to the Good News and is the centre of many social welfare activities. With the wonderful team spirit that prevails between the Priests and the Parishioners, under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother, the parish can look forward to many more glorious years.

Much has been achieved and even more is yet to be done. If the Church is what it is today, we owe it to the hard work put in by all who came before us. The baton has been passed on to the present – priests and parishioners. May each of us put our best foot forward to realize the dream we have – to make our Parish a vibrant community of worship, love and service.

May Jesus the Good Shepherd, lead us onward.



Victoria High School Mahim was the brainchild of the late Msgr Ligoury D’Souza. In 1956, he found a building on his hands waiting to be used as a school. The Canossian Sisters had just moved into their own specious buildings. Since 1932, when they took over the existing Victoria School, a mixed Primary School, they had gradually made it a girl’s school.
In June 1956, Msgr. Ligoury, the then Parish Priest of the Church of Our Lady of Victories, opened a primary school for boys with 380 students. There were over 200 students in the Kindergarten classes. Msgr. Ligoury was the principal of the school as well as a friend and a guide.
In 1966, the school sent its first batch of students for the SSC examination. Msgr. Ligoury was not destined to enjoy the first fruit of success for death snatched him only a few weeks before the declaration of the results.
Msgr. William Nazareth, who took over a Parish Priest and Manager of the School, the Principals from that time found one who was behind them in all their ventures. So, a new building was commenced to house the increasing number of students. Up to this time the school had been working in shifts. When the new building was commissioned for use in June 1968, it housed the Secondary Section and the School started functioning full day except for the First and Second Standards.
The school has come a long way since. Today, the Primary Section occupies a building with 14 classrooms including a Music Room and Hall with a seating capacity for 450 persons.
The secondary Section is in a separate building with 19 classrooms, a well-equipped Science laboratory, a reference Library of carefully chosen books, an art Room and a separate Audio Visual Room.
Despite the limitations of space, our boys have excelled in athletics, hockey and football. The school holds Inter-House Debates, Elocution Contests, stage and Quiz programmes. The school participates in Inter-School competitions. In the field of art, the school has won many awards.
The Principal and Staff, however, need the cooperation of the parents to bring an all-round development of the child. With this in view, the Parent Teacher Association was formed.
The School, since its humble beginning in 1956, has risen from the fathom of obscurity to the height of fame. Many of the Scholars, who have passed out from this Institution have brought honour and glory to their alma Mater, to the city and nation and to the world at large.

May we continue to reach greater heights?