Bombay Catholic Sabha

The Vision Statement of the Bombay Catholic Sabha (BCS) is “To be the organization of excellence for achieving effective collaboration and networking towards the fulfillment of life and developing expertise in civic, political, socio economic, education, health and cultural issues.” The BCS promotes fraternal solidarity among Catholics in the Archdiocese of Bombay and establishes units in all the Parishes and coordinates their activities.  The aim of the BCS is to be the exponents of Catholic opinion and to spread the influence of Christian ideals, values and principals in public life.  It safeguards the legitimate rights, liberties and interest of the Christian Community and makes representation to public and private authorities and bodies in all matters affecting Christians.  “With the Sabha you have a voice, in the Subha, you have a choice.  The BCS sets the pace, to make this world a better place.”

Spiritual Director  : Fr. Anthony Dsouza.

Lay Coordinator    : Bento Lobo

Meetings                :  3rd or 4th Wednesdays of the month