
The Sacrament of Baptism.

 Baptism is the sacrament of spiritual rebirth and initiation into the Christian
Faith. Through the symbolic action of washing (sprinkling) with water and
the use of appropriate ritualistic formula, the baptized person is cleansed of
all sins and incorporated into Christ. He/ she becomes a member of the
Church and receives the graces of supernatural life
 Baptism is known as ‘Gateway to the sacraments’. Hence only a validly
baptized person can receive all the other sacraments in the church. Therefore
it is important that every child that is born of Catholic parents must be
baptized as soon as possible
 The sacrament of Baptism is a communitarian sacrament and needs to take
place during mass. However only for pastoral reasons baptisms are allowed
outside the mass

Baptisms in our church are held
on Sunday after 9:30 am Mass.

 The parents / god parents prepare for the baptism of their children / god-
children as the priest makes them aware of their serious responsibility to
educate them in the love of the Lord and about bringing them up in the
practice of the Faith
 To baptize your child in our church the parents must, complete the pre-
baptismal catechesis during the early months of pregnancy
 Pre Baptism sessions are held every alternate month
 Requirement: both God Parents should be Catholics and must be present for the
 The parents are requested to bring their child wrapped in a simple cloth. The
white garment is put during the baptism service
 Kindly ensure that a candle is brought for the service
 Feed your child before coming to the church and ensure that you are in time for
the service
 Adults preparing for the sacraments of Christian initiation should follow the
Adult Catechumenate programme as indicated in the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Only after the completion of the RCIA course
the adult baptism will take place at the Easter Vigil Service
 A duly completed Pre Baptismal Form with the correct spelling of the child’s
name should be submitted in the Parish Office. Kindly note that once the
details are entered in the Baptism register no changes are allowed. To make
any changes in the Baptism register the legal procedure has to be followed
and permission from the Bishops’ House has to be obtained
 An envelope marked “Our Contribution” should be handed to the priest with
an offering to the Church