Altar Servers

 Altar Servicers of the parish assist the priest and the whole worshipping community in the prayerful celebration of the Eucharist.  Alter Servicers function as cross Bearers and acolytes, assisting the Celebrant and other Liturgical Ministers with the sacred vessels, the presentation of gifts and the use of the Sacramentary.  Open to boys and girls from Class IV and up.  It provides an opportunity for young people to offer service and to be more active in their participation at Mass.  We welcome all young people to consider this opportunity.  By promoting the altar servers Ministry and encouraging young boys and girls to be part of this Ministry, adults are doing a great two-fold service to our worshipping community: first, encouraging young boys and girls to participate in the daily celebration of the Eucharist, and second, fostering and promoting vocation to the Priesthood and religious Life. 

Spiritual Director  :  Fr. Calistus Fernandes
Lay coordinator    : Alea D’souza
Meeting                 :   Every Sunday at 10.30am